Our hosts come together to share their best college advice.
Now that we’ve introduced you to college life, it's time to share our best advice that we have to offer.
Tip #1 - Don't overpack
Plain and simple, don't bring your whole closet. You will be living in your pajamas and cozy sweatshirts every day, so bring your essentials and share clothes with your friends!
Tip #2 - Put yourself out there
Coming firsthand from Nicole, don't stay in your dorm and nap all day every day. Put yourself in situations to meet new people and get involved. You never know the opportunities it may bring.
"Quality over quantity. I would rather have 2 really amazing friends than 20 okay ones." – Peyton Richter, host
Tip #3 - Your freshman friends may not be your besties forever
And that's okay! You are constantly meeting new people and getting exposed to new experiences. Don't close yourself off from meeting new people, it's good to have a lot of friends!
Tip #4 - Ikea bags.
TrYep, you read that right. Ikea bags will be your best friend. But don't worry, if you don't have an Ikea close to home just Google "Ikea Bags" or look them up on amazon. These things fit everything, just make sure you're not overpacking, aka tip #1.
Tip #5 - Get those hard classes out of the way
You will thank yourself later. Take that hard math class freshman year when its fresh in your mind. You will thank yourself senior year when you can take classes you actually care about.
For more college tips, be sure to check out episode 6!
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